Creativism: 20 Key Points
Creativism sees life as creative action. Its focus is the Goodness God - right order and right relationship, or truth and love, joined in creative action.
The source of all life is a mysterious wellspring of creativity which gave rise to the big bang and continues today, forever growing as the Universe itself grows.
That which we call God is not this source, for it encompasses all things, even things we consider bad. All value and all mind come from the source, probably originating even before the big bang.
That which we call God is not a person but the presence of goodness in our lives.
Goodness (or God) is present whenever things are in right order and right relationship and there is thus creative action. In other words, goodness (or God) is present whenever there is truth which is brought into action by love.
Goodness (or God) does not have dominion over evil but it counters evil and makes life bearable; the simple fact that we exist shows the unsurpassable strength of goodness.
Good and evil are part of the overall pattern of yin-yang, the opposites which drive change and make our planet special.
Good and evil are naturally present in all; there is goodness - something of God - in everyone. This does not mean that life is sacred, for life is merely a biological fact; rather, life contains something that is sacred.
Evil is the denial of truth, love and creative action; it is greed, ego, and destructiveness and fear and apathy.
Divinity – God and gods – is partly a projection of ourselves but it is also real, just as perfection and other absolutes are real.
We come into existence merely as expressions of the creativity which gave birth to the Universe; if we want purpose and meaning in life, we must create this ourselves.
The best life we as individuals can live is the creative life, based on truth and love. This is not the easiest course, but it is ultimately the most satisfying life and the one we are most naturally fitted for.
We can do best for ourselves as a society by adopting the ethic of truth, love and creative action; this includes openness to the potential truth in other points of view and collaborative action on the world’s problems.
We cannot avoid suffering no matter how virtuous we are, but we can make life more agreeable by accepting suffering as a gateway to improvement and committing ourselves to that improvement.
There is no life after death, but death enables new life to occur.
All the great religions have merit, the outstanding merit of Christianity being that it demonstrates through Jesus the full nature and power of giving.
The world has evolved partly through the creative interplay of yin-yang, which causes change, and partly through the influence of goodness (truth and love), which causes beneficial change.
Perhaps the greatest challenge for humankind, ever increasing, is to reconcile the benefits of growing complexity and refinement with the need for simplicity: through the many, to find the one.
The world will eventually end, but we as agents of creativity have the opportunity to raise humankind to a better life, where we have a higher level of consciousness, more cognisant of truth and more connected with each other and our environment. Our greatest achievement will be to achieve true civilisation, growing from Homo sapiens to Homo civilis.
Despite our extraordinary potential, we humans are bound to remain forever limited in our capacity to understand the things “beyond.” By definition these things will always to a degree transcend our understanding.
Our mysterious source, which we might call a God beyond God, has limitless potential for creativity, including the growth of a universal mind in which we all share.
Creativism begins with the belief that the world and life are best explained in terms of creative action. We acknowledge divinities through their creativity – their capacity to bring about change - which taken to its ultimate degree is perfection. We also interpret history as creativity: the bringing about of change through interaction of opposites (omnipresent yin and yang) and the processes of complexification and refinement (right order and right relationship joined in creative action). The ultimate goodness which we recognise as God is, indeed, nothing but truth and love conjoined in creative action.
With this understanding, we have a simple straightforward basis for a new ethic, a new way of living which will not only preserve us a race but enable us to move closer to our potential – which is still a long way away!