
Prayer inspired by the Lord's Prayer.

Creative will within me and around –

You are the Great Reliability and at the same time the Great Adventure. You are also the Great Integrity that holds everything together.

Sustain me, keep me going this day. I ask for not too much but just enough.

Inspire me so that I may know what to do. Drive me to attend to my own needs, the needs of others and my work in due order and proportion.

Give me courage to do what I must, for I acknowledge that I am weak.

In cases where I have let people down, myself included, I am sorry.

Let me await your outcomes with patience.

Let me be forever grateful for the good things that happen, which are many.

Let me accept the bad things that happen, for while in themselves they are hateful they are also paths to the good. May this acceptance be the prelude to a new day, a fresh start.

And when all this seems too hard, let me draw strength from the example of others and from my own past. For in the end, these examples prove that creation is not denied and that goodness does prevail.

Be it so. Amen.